CrossFit Injury Physical Therapy

We specialize in physical therapy for the functional fitness and sports specific athlete including injury prevention and rehabilitation. With 10+ years experience as an orthopedic physical therapist, participating in sports his entire life and in CrossFit since 2017, and actively coaching as a CrossFit Level 2 trainer… Dr. Dan understands the needs and lifestyle of the athlete.

He utilizes this knowledge and experience to deliver a unique expertise of fitness physical therapy to ensure athletes stay healthy and pain-free while training, help them continue training if injured, and optimize return from injury.

3-Step Process to Eliminate Pain While You Continue to Train

Step 1: Find the Cause

A targeted assessment specific to the issue you are experiencing gives us insight into what is causing the problem, and gives us hard data we can use to track your progress.

Step 2: Fix the Issue

Decrease pain, increase mobility, and improve function as quickly as possible through a combination of manual therapy techniques and the most appropriate exercises.

Step 3: Prevention is better than cure

CrossFit Injury Prevention

Using our prevention pyramid, take steps to prevent future injuries and improve your performance. Our ultimate goal is to make you stronger and more resilient than when you first came to see us!

Click here to learn more in our 6-part free workshop